A Culture of Slavery Cannot Coexist With a Culture of Freedom — One Must Dominate
Which means that our goal is to make freedom dominate the world.
Some things cannot coexist. If it's night, it cannot also be day. If something is wet, it cannot also be dry. You can't be faithful and promiscuous.
The most fundamental principle of Islam is slavery. According to Islamic definitions, a Muslim is a slave to Allah. Islamic doctrine not only condones slavery but sanctifies it. And the ideology insists on a strict hierarchy. Islam must dominate all other religions and political systems. That's the goal. It allows for no mutuality or equality among religions or political systems.
Let's do a mind experiment. Let's say we have two groups living on an island. One wants to cooperate and live together as equals, the other is completely committed to dominating or enslaving the members of the other group. What will happen? Given enough time, one of those two ways of being will dominate the whole island. They cannot coexist indefinitely.
People in the West now feel hesitant to "impose" their values on other people. But the values of human rights and freedom do not belong to any particular culture. They are born in our hearts. Every person yearns to be free. Every person wants to be treated humanely. Even Muslims. But the ideology of Islam says a Muslim's only opportunity to gain freedom is to make it to Paradise. And the way to make it to Paradise is to follow Muhammad's example. The only way for a Muslim man to guarantee he will make it to Paradise is to die while fighting against non-Muslims in jihad. This ideology cannot coexist with freedom and human rights. One must dominate the other.
I wish it weren't true. I wish the true believers in orthodox Islam could just be confined to some remote place and let the rest of us live in peace. But the fundamental goal of Islam is to bring the whole earth under the rule of Islamic law, so an orthodox Muslim must always try to achieve this goal or he doesn't have a chance of making it to Paradise. And the only other option is eternal torture in hell (vividly described in the Koran). He is highly motivated.
Either the free countries must continue to impose freedoms and rights on the Muslim world (and continue to defend those freedoms and rights in their own countries) or the reverse is going to happen: Muslims will impose their own strict limits to freedom and rights everywhere they can. If you thought this thing was going to be over soon, you were dreaming. Islam must be continually fought back, exposed, marginalized, discredited — and freedoms and rights must be continually imposed and defended.
This struggle is nothing new. There have always been those who strive to impose their will on others, and there have always been those who strive to be free. Islam is just the latest iteration of this endless struggle.
This is an epic battle. If you ever wanted your life to count for something, if you ever wanted to give yourself to a purpose you recognize as a mighty one, here it is. Are you in?
Citizen Warrior is the author of the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam and also writes for Inquiry Into Islam, History is Fascinating, and Foundation for Coexistence. Subscribe to Citizen Warrior updates here. You can send an email to CW here.