A Culture of Slavery Cannot Coexist With a Culture of Freedom — One Must Dominate


One way to think about what we're doing is that we are trying to stop the Islamization of the West. Another (perhaps more inspiring) perspective is that a culture of freedom is coming into conflict with a culture of slavery and only one can dominate because they are mutually exclusive.

Which means that our goal is to make freedom dominate the world.

Some things cannot coexist. If it's night, it cannot also be day. If something is wet, it cannot also be dry. You can't be faithful and promiscuous.

The most fundamental principle of Islam is slavery. According to Islamic definitions, a Muslim is a slave to Allah. Islamic doctrine not only condones slavery but sanctifies it. And the ideology insists on a strict hierarchy. Islam must dominate all other religions and political systems. That's the goal. It allows for no mutuality or equality among religions or political systems.

Let's do a mind experiment. Let's say we have two groups living on an island. One wants to cooperate and live together as equals, the other is completely committed to dominating or enslaving the members of the other group. What will happen? Given enough time, one of those two ways of being will dominate the whole island. They cannot coexist indefinitely.

People in the West now feel hesitant to "impose" their values on other people. But the values of human rights and freedom do not belong to any particular culture. They are born in our hearts. Every person yearns to be free. Every person wants to be treated humanely. Even Muslims. But the ideology of Islam says a Muslim's only opportunity to gain freedom is to make it to Paradise. And the way to make it to Paradise is to follow Muhammad's example. The only way for a Muslim man to guarantee he will make it to Paradise is to die while fighting against non-Muslims in jihad. This ideology cannot coexist with freedom and human rights. One must dominate the other.

I wish it weren't true. I wish the true believers in orthodox Islam could just be confined to some remote place and let the rest of us live in peace. But the fundamental goal of Islam is to bring the whole earth under the rule of Islamic law, so an orthodox Muslim must always try to achieve this goal or he doesn't have a chance of making it to Paradise. And the only other option is eternal torture in hell (vividly described in the Koran). He is highly motivated.

Either the free countries must continue to impose freedoms and rights on the Muslim world (and continue to defend those freedoms and rights in their own countries) or the reverse is going to happen: Muslims will impose their own strict limits to freedom and rights everywhere they can. If you thought this thing was going to be over soon, you were dreaming. Islam must be continually fought back, exposed, marginalized, discredited — and freedoms and rights must be continually imposed and defended.

This struggle is nothing new. There have always been those who strive to impose their will on others, and there have always been those who strive to be free. Islam is just the latest iteration of this endless struggle.

This is an epic battle. If you ever wanted your life to count for something, if you ever wanted to give yourself to a purpose you recognize as a mighty one, here it is. Are you in?

Citizen Warrior is the author of the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam and also writes for Inquiry Into Islam, History is Fascinating, and Foundation for Coexistence. Subscribe to Citizen Warrior updates here. You can send an email to CW here.


Powerful Muslim Organizations Intimidate Hollywood Producers to Portray Islam Positively

Movies not only entertain, they inform, they influence emotions and they can affect the general public's worldview. Powerful Muslim organizations use harassment and intimidation to coerce Hollywood producers to give their audience a positive view of Islam.

"Organizations which sympathize and associate with jihadists," says Deborah Weiss, are given influence "over what the film industry says about Islam and Muslims." In a recent article, Weiss says, "several of CAIR's former leaders are now in jail on terror-related convictions. Moreover, virtually all of CAIR's leadership supports Hamas and Hezbollah," both of which are designated by the United States as terrorist organizations. "Nevertheless, CAIR is actively instructing Hollywood on how to depict Islam and Muslims. Here are some examples from Weiss's excellent article:

Paramount Pictures’ “Sum of All Fears” was based on a book by Tom Clancy and starred Ben Affleck. The original plot was about Muslim terrorists who shot down an Israeli jet flying over Syria, which was carrying nuclear weapons.

CAIR complained about “negative stereotyping of Muslims” and lobbied to get the script changed for two years prior to the film’s release. Eventually, the villains were altered from Muslim terrorists to Austrian neo-Nazis.

Twentieth Century Fox produced “True Lies,” starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, a movie about an Islamic terrorist and a spy with an unfaithful wife.

CAIR demanded a meeting with the producers. When it was declined, CAIR issued leaflets and held numerous activities protesting the film. Eventually, FOX made a disclaimer stating that the film is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the actions or beliefs of any particular religion.

“Kingdom of Heaven,” also produced by Twentieth Century FOX, starred Liam Neeson and Orlando Bloom. It concerned the Crusades and the battle for Jerusalem.

To avoid problems, the producers gave CAIR a special pre-screening of the film and hired a Muslim consultant who is anti-Israel and believes America is a racist society. Accordingly, several scenes were cut prior to the film’s release. In the end, the movie was a skewed account of the Crusades, not only depicting the Christians as murderers and hypocrites, but the Muslims as morally superior.

CAIR-NY has gone so far as to demand that CBS stop airing all films, TV and radio shows on the subject of Islamic terrorism, whether fact or fiction, claiming that these “defame” Muslims. CAIR-NY argued that the shows cause discrimination and subject Muslim children to harassment. “Not Without My Daughter,” starring Sally Field, and several Chuck Norris movies were among the films that CAIR wanted off the air. To boycott all CBS radio and TV shows from both the CBS News and entertainment divisions as well as their advertisers, CAIR-NY started an online petition. Consequently, CBS changed the title of a Chuck Norris film, telling the Los Angeles Times in 2003 that in an upcoming film on terrorism it would remove all portrayals of Muslims.

“24 Hours” was a hit syndicated TV series produced for the FOX Channel. It was about a counter-terrorism agent who tried to thwart cyber, biological and chemical terrorist attacks. It won numerous awards, including a Golden Globe and an Emmy. It showed villains from a range of backgrounds, including German, Russian, American and Muslim.

After one episode which portrayed a Muslim family as part of a sleeper cell, CAIR met with FOX to complain. FOX capitulated, cutting additional scenes that presented Muslims negatively. FOX also issued a statement explaining that the show is fiction and assumes people can distinguish fiction from reality. FOX also allowed CAIR to air public service announcements of Muslims from different ethnicities, stating “I am an American Muslim.”

CAIR is not the only Muslim organization influencing Hollywood in this way. 

CAIR and other organizations do all this with impunity and very little resistance because there is not enough pushback from people who know better. And there is not enough pushback because not enough people understand the disturbing nature of Islamic doctrine. That's where you come in.


Mein Kampf and Islamic Doctrine

In his introduction to an American translation of Mein Kampf, Konrad Heiden wrote: "For years Mein Kampf stood as proof of the blindness and complacency of the world. For in its pages Hitler announced — long before he came to power — a program of blood and terror in a self-revelation of such overwhelming frankness that few among its readers had the courage to believe it ... That such a man could go so far toward realizing his ambitions, and — above all — could find millions of willing tools and helpers; that is a phenomenon the world will ponder for centuries to come."

And yet, who is pondering the phenomenon of Islam? Its program of blood and terror and cultural annihilation was written 1400 years ago, has resulted in the deaths of far more people, and even now, so long after his death, Muhammad still finds millions of willing tools and helpers.

Let us ponder this together, and do something about it.


Using the Sex Drive to Create Violence

We received the following email a while back. It contains a good point worth sharing:

I just finished reading, for probably the 20th time, CW's invaluable article, The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex. Today's re-read sparked a thought of a possible addition to entry number 7. In fact, I think an entire separate article could be written on this premise. (If CW has already written such an article, I have missed it and my apologies.)

Entry number 7 concerns the Koran's allowing Muslims to have up to four wives and encouraging Muslims to marry widows, and my thought is this: These two provisions not only help guarantee a steady supply of offspring, they also ensure a steady supply of young men without wives. IMO a significant source of Islam's power amongst young men of fighting age is that by denying them normal sexual relations, their powerful sex drive is then available to be channeled/sublimated into aggression — aggression in which success is rewarded with sex. If they die they get into heaven for sex with virgins, and if they don't die there is a good possibility of obtaining sex by raping captive women.

It also helps that the position of women in Islam nearly eliminates the other (i.e. non-sexual) natural moderating influences of women on male aggression.

CW, both your site and your book have greatly assisted me in encouraging non-Muslims to learn more about Islam, and your site is always the first one I recommend to those who want to read further. Your work is vital and much appreciated!


L. Evans

P.S. Your article, How to Resist Islamic Encroachment and Still Be Happy made me realize that I'm not the only one who gets overwhelmed by what is happening in the world and who needs to take a break from the news. Thank you.

Citizen Warrior is the author of the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam and also writes for Inquiry Into Islam, History is Fascinating, and Foundation for Coexistence. Subscribe to Citizen Warrior updates here. You can send an email to CW here.


Islam Must Be Spread By Force

In his book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), Robert Spencer wrote: "Some of the modern-day Islamic thinkers who are most revered today by jihad terrorists taught (in no uncertain terms) that Islam must impose itself by force upon non-Muslims — not as a religion, for that would violate the Qur'an's dictum that 'there is no compulsion in religion' (Qur'an 2:256) — but as a system of laws and societal norms. They taught that Muslims must fight to impose Islamic law on non-Muslim states, relegating its citizens to dhimmi status or worse."

This is Islam's prime directive. It is the Big Goal. Not to convert the world, but to subjugate the world, to bring everyone under Islamic rule.

Remember this distinction, and use it in your conversations. Generally speaking, people don't willingly submit to subjugation. They resist.

Citizen Warrior is the author of the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam and also writes for Inquiry Into Islam, History is Fascinating, and Foundation for Coexistence. Subscribe to Citizen Warrior updates here. You can send an email to CW here.


Similarities Between Islam and the Mafia


Raymond Ibrahim wrote a three-part series on the similarities between Islam and the mafia. The parallels are striking, and I don't think it's a coincidence. The birthplace of the mafia, Sicily, was the first Italian territory to be conquered by Islam (in the year 827), and it was ruled by Islam for 234 years.

The word "mafia" itself is derived from an Arabic word meaning "aggressive boasting."

Perhaps some Sicilians saw firsthand the deadly effectiveness of the Islamic way of doing things, and adapted the methods to their own goals.

However it happened, the similarities are numerous. Below is a synopsis of Ibrahim's list of parallels. At the end you will find links to the three articles in the series. They are very much worth reading. In fact, they ought to be studied and used in your conversations with people in the same way you use talking about Bushido or Scientology to bypass objections when talking about Islam. Here is Ibrahim's list of similarities:

  1. The leader has absolute authority, is inaccessible, and is greatly feared.
  2. The leader's will is dominant. The subordinates' only job is to follow orders.
  3. The leader gets a "cut" of all the action of his subordinates, but there is still some booty for the subordinates.
  4. The group assassinates enemies.
  5. Each member must be willing to die to defend the group and the leader.
  6. Trying to leave the group is seen as a betrayal and is punishable by death.
  7. Members are required to maintain absolutely loyalty to the group and its leader.
  8. Members are not to trust or associate with non-members of the group.
  9. Association with outsiders and deceiving them is permissible to advance the goals of the group.
  10. The leader or the group will "make you an offer you can't refuse."
  11. They fund their operations with "protection money" gathered from non-members.

Raymond Ibrahim's original three-part series has good examples, quotes, and illustrations for each of the above similarities. Here is the series:

Part 1 – Islam: More ‘Like the Mafia’ than Bill Maher Knows
Part 2 – Loyalty and Enmity: Parallels between Islam and the Mafia
Part 3 – Islam and the Mafia: ‘Making An Offer You Can’t Refuse’

Another version of this series is posted on PJ Media, along with video clips from The Godfather to illustrate the principles. Read it here.

You can share the information above with your friends and family by sending them this article on Inquiry Into Islam: Is There a Connection Between Islam and the Mafia?

Citizen Warrior is the author of the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam and also writes for Inquiry Into Islam, History is Fascinating, and Foundation for Coexistence. Subscribe to Citizen Warrior updates here. You can send an email to CW here


What Does ISIS Hope to Achieve With Random Violence?


What is ISIS trying to accomplish with their seemingly random murders of non-Muslims like the attack in Vienna? Or the truck attack in New Orleans? This puzzled me for a long time. I know terrorism is supposed to scare people, but for what ultimate purpose? People will be scared for a while, and then normal life will resume. ISIS is not going to conquer Europe by killing a few people. What are they doing? They're obviously investing time and money to plan and carry out these attacks, and risking their lives. Why?

The bigger goal, the central Islamic goal is to bring non-Muslims under the rule of Islamic law. That goal is laid out clearly and unmistakably in standard Islamic doctrine. But why does ISIS think that randomly blowing up and shooting infidels will achieve this?

The strategy ISIS and other orthodox Muslims are now following was laid out by by the late Sheikh Abu-Bakr Naji. His big insight was this: It is impossible now to achieve Islam's prime directive the traditional way, which was to invade countries and establish Islamic law by force. This method may have worked fine when non-Muslim countries were unconcerned with things happening in other parts of the world. Back in those days, using the traditional method, Islam successfully established most of the now-existing 56 Muslim countries. But these days non-Muslim countries are too powerful militarily and would stop it. Naji thought the Taliban did a great job setting up a true Islamic state, faithful to Islamic law, but look what happened: The "crusader nations" destroyed it.

Osama bin Laden thought he would make the cowardly infidels succumb to fear with a few very big violent attacks, such as 9/11. But that strategy failed. It only strengthened non-Muslim resolve and triggered a massive retaliation.

So in 2005, Naji proposed a new strategy: He said the way to ultimately accomplish the prime directive is to fight the entire non-Muslim world everywhere at once, and to create an increasing occurrence of ever-more-violent events so non-Muslims everywhere would feel insecure and would eventually live in constant fear of violent death. They would lose trust in their government's ability to protect them. They would become exhausted from insecurity and fear, and would then be willing to embrace Islamic rule just to make the violence stop and to be able to live in some sort of peace.

In an article about the Friday 13th attack in Paris (in 2015), the New York Times quoted a 42 year-old French accountant: "I feel sickened, angry," he said. Coming so soon after the attacks the previous January, he said, "It is starting to be too much." This struck me as an expression of exactly the state of mind Naji was talking about.

In order to accomplish frequent attacks, Naji said Muslims must create bases of operations inside the non-Muslim nations. That means Muslim immigration is necessary, coupled with the Muslims' refusal to integrate into the non-Muslim society, leaving areas of Muslim-only populations (what many have called no-go zones) within non-Muslim countries. This way, terrorism operations could be organized and carried out more effectively.

ISIS and other Islamic groups have embraced this strategy worldwide.

Muslim immigration into non-Muslim countries has increased, especially with the new influx of refugees (created by ISIS). And no-go zones are being created in most non-Muslim countries. The number of violent events is accelerating. We in the West usually only hear about the very large events, but constant random killing of non-Muslims is happening all over the world now, as chronicled by thereligionofpeace.com. A general feeling of insecurity is increasing.

But ultimately, I believe this strategy can only fail. The people in Western nations are not as weak or as easily cowed as we may appear. They are mistaking a reluctance to fight with an unwillingness to defend ourselves — a mistake they will pay dearly for. We are nice people, for the most part, and we bend over backwards to give people the benefit of the doubt, but when we understand what is really happening, we suddenly and completely change our tune. Look what France's response was to its 2015 jihad attacks: They immediately bombed the hell out of ISIS strongholds, closed their borders, arrested 104 suspected jihadis, and are shutting down the orthodox mosques in France.

People in the West are like the little old man being harassed and taunted by the punks in this video. He just wanted them to go away so he could go on about his day, but when he realized they were not going to leave him alone, he knocked them out.

That's why all over Europe (and Canada and Australia) there have been protests against the influx of refugees — partly out of a new understanding of the facts surrounding Muslim immigration — it produces more rapes, more criminal activity, and in the process of trying to create Muslim-only areas, non-Muslims are forced out by constant harassment. The trend is toward a growing resistance to Muslim immigration.

We can look at Flight 93 on 9/11 for a good illustration of how people in the West change their stance from relatively passive to ready to fight. The jihadis on board all the planes that day told their passengers to stay calm, and everything was going to be all right. But the people aboard Flight 93 found out about the other planes. And once they understood what the hijackers' real intentions were, they attacked and stopped the plane from reaching its destination.

Like the people on Flight 93, our fellow non-Muslims may only need accurate information. We need to share with our fellow non-Muslims what ISIS plans on doing. It will create a resolve to thwart them.

The above explanation of Naji's strategy is summarized from an article by Amir Taheri. Read his article here: The Jihadis' Master Plan to Break Us.

Read more about Naji's strategy: The Management of Savagery.

Citizen Warrior is the author of the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam and also writes for Inquiry Into Islam, History is Fascinating, and Foundation for Coexistence. Subscribe to Citizen Warrior updates here. You can send an email to CW here.


Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on CitizenWarrior.com is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism.

It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia (and ultimately everywhere in the world).

Click here to read the article.


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