A Hateful Allegation of Hatefulness


Citizen Warrior was designated a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). But since we shared the designation with the likes of Political Islam, the Tennessee Freedom Coalition and the Center for Security Policy, we feel pretty good about it.

Fred Fleitz, senior vice president for policy and programs with the Center for Security Policy, wrote an article with some interesting facts about the SPLC. Here are some excerpts from his article:

This week, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) named my organization, the Center for Security Policy, a “hate group” because of our work highlighting the threat from radical Islam.

The SPLC is best known for its work decades ago fighting legal battles against segregation in the South. But it long ago morphed into a far left group with one purpose: manufacturing material to slander conservatives for use by the news media and on the Internet.

The SPLC is not a civil rights organization — it is a far left advocacy group that tries to discredit its political enemies on the right with incoherent hate lists that wrongly associate them with notorious bigots to advance a liberal agenda. This is consistent with #12 of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

SPLC also demonized conservatives with bogus hate charges because it has found this kind of fearmongering to be very lucrative. According to the SPLC’s 2014 tax return, this non-profit organization had $54 million in revenue and $315 million in assets.

Back in 2000, an investigative report into the SPLC’s activities was published by Harper’s Magazine titled The church of Morris Dees: How the Southern Poverty Law Center profits from intolerance. It described the SPLC and its activities as “essentially a fraud” that “shuts down debate, stifles free speech, and most of all, raises a pile of money, very little of which is used on behalf of poor people.”

Perhaps the main reason the SPLC has been able to raise such huge sums because its president, Morris Dees, is so skilled at using scare mongering mailings for fund raising that in 1998 he was inducted into the Direct Mailing Association Hall of Fame.

Based on its 2010 tax return, the liberal website Daily Kos criticized the SPLC in 2012 for its enormous wealth, offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands, and ownership in several foreign corporations.

The author of this article asked, “What I’m very curious to learn is how keeping hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars in assets, several offshore bank accounts and part ownership in foreign financial firms in any substantive way addresses poverty in America.”

I believe the SPLC’s new focus on Islamophobia is because the organization has identified attacking critics of radical Islam as the ultimate money pot. For example, Saleh Abdulla Kamel, a Saudi banker believed to have been a financer of Usama bin Laden, gave $10 million to Yale University in 2015 to build an Islamic law center.

Given the SPLC’s lack of scruples, greed and offshore operations, I believe it is very likely that this group is receiving funding from Gulf state billionaires like Kamel to discredit anyone who criticizes radical Islam and the global jihad movement.

The news media must stop being manipulated by the SPLC’s calumny of its political enemies.

Reporters should realize that an organization which attacks all critics of radical Islam as Islamophobes, refuses to mention the extremism and intolerance of radical Islamist groups, and is silent on the growing anti-Semitism on the left and violence against Jewish university students cannot be considered a neutral and authoritative source.

Read the whole article here: What do Ben Carson, Frank Gaffney share? Both are victims of a left-wing smear machine.


D Cripps 5:39 AM  

Southern Poverty Law Centre seems to be blind in one eye, acting as a shill for sharia-law, whether in ignorance or malicious deception. To their credit they feature the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party, and their leaders, but appear otherwise oblivious to Islamic allophobia toward non-Muslims. Nowhere are groups and individuals featured in Discover the Networks to be found...
Unconscionable that the SPLC do not go after the ‘Islamic hard right’ but malign those who wish to expose it.

Pray Hard 6:29 AM  

Congratulations. Seriously.

Игор Сламов – Igor Slamoff 12:10 PM  

Dear sir:
I feel discriminated against by your demonizing of all leftists. I’m even thinking about seeking help from the ACLU (just kidding).
At the age of 17 I was a communist sympathizer living in a Fascist dictatorship. That’s when I started hating religion, because the reactionary Roman Catholic church was backing up the régime to the hilt -- although i must admit there were a few progressive Catholics who fought for freedom and democracy. But the hierarchy was deeply reactionary. So when i visited the GangstaSpace I felt instinctively apprehensive about the Mohammedan religion. But at the same time I started learning Arabic. In Spain Arabs are part of the country’s history, and Arab culture is very prestigious, since they left impressive monuments behind when they were driven out, and the names of Moorish rulers resound through Spanish history.
So I wasn’t the least bit anti-Arab and I still am not.
Then I studied Arabic and Islamic studies at college and became quite familiar with Mohammedans and various Mohammedan countries and their denizens.
So by the time Islamic terrorism became all the rage around the 1990s (being preceded by a long run of Palestinian terrorism), i was sufficiently familiar with the subject to be able to think objectively about Arabs and Moslems and terrorism. Of course i was aware of great violence in the Middle East long before Islamism became trendy.
Anyway Karl Marx was no slobbering dimwit who instinctively sympathised with exotic mumbo-jumbo, the cruder the better.
That whole mind-set has nothing to do with traditional socialism. Marx criticized the Western imperialists who were exploiting China and getting the Chinks hooked on narcotics. Mark Twain was no Marxist, but he did a good job of raking US imperialism over the coals when the US snatched the Philippines from the dying Spanish empire and proceeded to wage a devastating war against the natives, who wanted independence. But Marx would have scoffed at traditional Chinese notions of politics and religion. Marx was European to the core.
The whole exotic mumbo-jumbo fad is not rooted in Marxist class-based theories of society at all. Nor could it be, because Marx never wrote about alien cultures. He simply followed the then prevailing convention of ignoring the subject. He was a Eurocentric thinker. The men who started all this cannibal-hugging were not the least bit influenced by socialist thought.

Игор Сламов – Igor Slamoff 12:10 PM  

The man who started it all was not Karl Marx, but a different German Jew altogether called Franz Boas, a founder of the subject of cultural anthropology. He and his colleagues and successors like Radcliffe-Brown, Bronislaw Malinowski, Marcel Mauss, etc. invented the intellectual fashion of regarding primitive cultures on an equal footing as their own (and our own). Doing so is a methodological requirement in order to think rationally about alien cultures.
Malinowski stole a march on Sigmund Freud and began studying the sexual practices of primitive islanders instead of those of repressed Viennese bourgeois as Freud was doing. Malinowski spoke very highly of British colonialism. He knew what he was talking about, because he did most of his sex research in British colonies in SE Asia and the Pacific. At the same time Pablo Picasso was discovering African sculpture. European culture was becoming more humble. And a good thing too.
But it has now become an simple fad, an obsession, a nervous tic, a mannerism, a bias and a crashing bore.
It has no intellectual basis at all. It’s a fad, like skateboards and body-piercing. The traditional Marxist solidarity with all peoples against imperialist oppression is a noble tradition, but it has nothing to do with automatically siding with traditional pre-industrial cultures against the West. Alien culture must be examined and criticized with exactly the same clinical objectivity that we devote to analyzing out own cultures. Just because they talk funny doesn’t mean they’re right, or even that they know what the hell they’re talking about. As a matter of fact what always astonishes me about Moslems is their utter ignorance of history and their low esteem for facts. They usually just repeat village gossip and the platitudes their daddies told them.
European civilization invented the habit of criticizing European civilization. Those who carp at European civilization are blindly following in its footsteps.
Our admiration for alien cultures should be tempered by loyalty toward our own glorious intellectual traditions, which we vouchsafed to humanity and are becoming the backbone of a planet-wide human civilization.
Being anti-Western long ago ceased being identical with being anti-imperialist. When the Japanese fleet knocked the socks off the imperial Russian navy at the battle of Tsushima in 1905, the white man (or the pink man, as I prefer to call him) had to acknowledge that non-European civilizations were starting to catch up with the West. The trend has progressed ever since and shows no signs of abating.
So hating Western Civ long ago ceased being original and revolutionary. It is now simply a cliché, a cult, a stereotyped attitude popular with resentful adolescents and Mohammedan fanatics.

Citizen Warrior 1:45 PM  

We also got a mention in Loonwatch. They interviewed a "recovering Islamophobe." He said:

"If you are going to take on one of the Islamophobic bloggers whose blog I used to follow I would recommend laying the smack down on Citizen Warrior. He’s kind of like Robert Spencer, but maybe a bit more sophisticated..."


Buzz 5:10 PM  

The" truth" has been a causality in this country since 1964.Intolerance has ALWAYS been the hallmark for the Progressive/Liberals (Democrats) and the likes of the SPLC and ACLU .To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. The SPLC is an existential threat to America.

Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on CitizenWarrior.com is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism.

It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia (and ultimately everywhere in the world).

Click here to read the article.


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