We're Making Headway


According to an article in NewsObserver.com, "In the early 2000s, just 25 percent of Americans believed that Muslims are prone to violence because of their religion, according to the Pew Research Center. By February of this year, after decade-long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that number had climbed to 38 percent. Since September, though, it’s jumped to 50 percent in the Pew survey, probably because of high-profile beheadings by fighters for the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS."

Along the same lines, the following appears in an article on ISLAMiCommentary (which refers to itself as "a public scholarship forum, managed out of the The Duke Islamic Studies Center that aims to inform public discourse and policy on Islam and Muslim communities"):

In 17 surveys since 9/11 conducted by Pew, the Arab-American Institute, and other organizations, “unfavorable” responses declined from 2001 through 2006, then veered upward. From 21-24 percent “unfavorable” responses in 2006, negative responses spiked as high as 63 percent in recent years...

When Americans are asked about their attitude toward Islam, rather than Muslims, the rates are even more negative. In 24 surveys over the past dozen years, “unfavorable” responses toward Islam averaged 40 percent, as compared with 32 percent toward Muslims and 25 percent toward Muslim-Americans. “Favorable” responses about Islam outnumbered “unfavorable” responses in almost every survey prior to 2006, but the reverse is true in nearly every survey since then.

The point of view of both of these quoted articles is that this negative attitude is an undesirable trend caused by misunderstanding. I see it as just the opposite: It is a healthy trend caused by an increasing understanding that Islamic doctrine is the basis of many of the world's most important problems.

It's a promising trend, but more work is needed. When the number of non-Muslims who understand Islam reaches an overwhelming majority, the Islamization of the non-Islamic world will be vigorously resisted and the tide will turn. The most important thing that needs to happen to reach that point is for each of us to help educate those of our remaining friends and family who still don't get it. We need to not merely "tell them the truth," but to really get through to them skillfully and successfully.

We're making headway. Let's keep increasing our skill and effectiveness and finish the job.


Is Resisting Islamic Expansion Only For Conservatives?


Conservatives are not the only ones who recognize the threat if Islamization, as this recent Pew survey shows. A higher percentage of conservatives recognize Islam's threat than liberals, that's true, but there is a significant percentage of liberals who recognize it, and a sizable percentage of conservatives who do not.

There is a bigger gap by age than by party. The older you get, the more likely you are to understand the threat to your society posed by such an intolerant and violent ideology.

But many liberals think only a conservative would be critical of Islam, and they don't want to associate themselves with something that seems like a conservative cause. We need to reach them. People of all political persuasions should be united in this cause.


A Constructive Argument About Islam


An ex-Muslim atheist and an intellectual atheist argue about the connection between Islam's written ideology and the behaviors of ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, etc. Are these groups merely following the Islamic texts to the letter? Or are they twisting and distorting Islamic teachings to justify their lust for power or horror?

This is a lively discussion between two people who are at odds with each other for most of the argument, and yet conduct themselves without yelling or name calling. This is a three hour conversation, but worth watching.

Like most people you talk to, the host of this show objects to the idea that Islamic doctrine is any worse than other religions, and he brings up pretty much every objection possible, and argues them vigorously. They are all answered sanely and articulately by Sam Harris.

Harris makes so many good points and uses so many good examples that this interview is worthy of not just watching, but studying. Check it out on InquiryIntoIslam.com here:

Sam Harris and Cenk Uygur Clear the Air on Religious Violence and Islam

This is also a great video to share with your atheist and agnostic friends. They may listen to Sam Harris discussing Islam when they might not listen to a Christian or Jew discussing Islam. They are likely to consider Harris a more credible source of information about religion because he hasn't "picked a side" — he hasn't chosen a favorite religion — so he has no ax to grind in that sense. He's a neutral and impartial evaluator of religions, and he has studied most of them. His educated conclusion is that Islam is a more dangerous ideology than any other mainstream religion.

Share this video and let Sam Harris enlighten your non-religious friends and family.


Does ISIS Follow Islamic Teachings?


He calls himself Brother Rachid. His father is an Imam and Rachid himself has a degree in religious studies. He grew up as a Muslim in Morocco. And in the video below, he responds to the statement, made by President Obama and many others, that ISIS is not Islamic.

Does ISIS Follow Islamic Teachings?

Share it with your friends and family. No objections they come up with will be valid.


Why Are Muslims From All Over the World Still Joining ISIS?


Airstrikes against ISIS continue, and yet more than a thousand Muslims travel to the Middle East every month to join ISIS from other countries. According to the U.N. over 16,000 foreign fighters have joined ISIS so far. The airstrikes have not slowed the flow of foreign jihadis flooding into Iraq. Most non-Muslims would assume that the increased possibility to being vaporized would reduce the number of new recruits, but it hasn't.

Do the people in your life know why?

If not, you can share with them some quotes from Robert Spencer's excellent book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades). First tell them that Muhammad was the founder of Islam and that it says 91 times in the Koran that all Muslims should follow his example. Then share the following with them. Spencer wrote:

"...the Prophet of Islam repeatedly emphasized that there was nothing better his followers could do than engage in jihad warfare. When a Muslim asked him to name the "best deed" one could do, besides the act of becoming a Muslim, the Prophet responded, "To participate in Jihad (holy fighting) in Allah's Cause." He explained that "to guard Muslims from infidels in Allah's Cause for one day is better than the world and whatever is on its surface." For "a journey undertaken for jihad in the evening or morning merits a reward better than the world and all that is in it."

Muhammad also warned that Muslims who did not engage in jihad would be punished: "Muhammad was firm about the necessity of jihad not only for himself personally, but for every Muslim. He warned believers that he who does not join the warlike expedition (jihad), or equip, or looks well after a warrior's family when he is away, will be smitten by Allah with a sudden calamity.'"

Those who fought in jihads would enjoy a level of Paradise higher than that enjoyed by others:

It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Sa'id Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said (to him]: Abu Sa'id, whoever cheerfully accepts Allah as his Lord, Islam as his religion and Muhammad as his Apostle is necessarily entitled to enter Paradise. He (Abu Sa'id) wondered at it and said: Messenger of Allah, repeat it for me. He (the Messenger of Allah) did that and said: There is another act which elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred (higher), and the elevation between one grade and the other is equal to the height of the heaven from the earth. He (Abu Sa'id) said: What is that act? He replied: Jihad in the way of Allah! Jihad in the way of Allah!

On another occasion "a man came to Allah's Apostle and said, 'Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).' He replied, 'I do not find such a deed.'"

Bring up some recent news about ISIS with people and ask, "I was wondering why Muslims are still traveling to the Middle East to join the fight now that the airstrikes have begun, when I read some passages from the traditions of Muhammad," and share some of the passages above. If you want to share this directly via email or social media, we've posted the above article on Inquiry Into Islam without the coaching. You can find it here.


Producer Wanted

What we need to quickly get through to a lot of people about Islam is a movie like Terminator 3. Imagine a movie set in the future, let's say thirty years from now in Europe, which would, by that time, be like a combination of Syria and Saudi Arabia, except with a lot more kafirs, who are all paying the jizya (or getting beheaded). And because the ostracism and jizya are so onerous, kafirs are converting to Islam out of fear and exhaustion. The movie could be called "Last Crusade."

During the movie, you find out how it all came to this, just like in Terminator 3 when we find out that back before Skynet took over, sensible people made what seemed like perfectly reasonable decisions at the time, but which inevitably led to circumstances that were too far gone by the time anyone realized what was going to happen.

The movie could be inspiring. It could be about an underground rebellion of freedom fighters.

In Terminator 3, we saw that people were afraid to put the decision of nuclear war into the hands of human beings. Humans are too emotional and the whole world's survival was at stake. So they put the decision in the control of a super sophisticated network of computers that, unfortunately, was so sophisticated, it kept learning until it became self-aware and suddenly realized its biggest enemy was the human race. The humans realized their monumental mistake as it was happening and tried to stop it, but it was too late.

You could show in "Last Crusade" how perfectly reasonable decisions were made in Europe out of a live-and-let-live philosophy. Muslim immigrants were allowed to have their own areas and allowed to practice their own religious-political beliefs (which is, of course, already happening with no-go areas in France and Sharia courts in Britain). European policymakers thought this would allow everyone to get along in peace and would show respect for Islamic culture instead of trying to impose European culture on them, which seemed reasonable and courteous at the time, but the Islamic enclaves kept growing and crossing into other territories. And as their numbers grew, Muslims were emboldened and forced their way into new areas with harassment of non-Muslims, vandalism and riots. To save lives and stop the violence, some of these new areas were also ceded to the fast-growing Muslim population.

Some Europeans were alarmed at the way things were going, and other solutions were tried, but "Muslim areas" in European countries kept spreading. Islamic belligerence and confidence increased and governments began applying aspects of Sharia law to everyone. They were small things at first, and each one seemed like a good idea at the time to many people.

Some non-Muslims resisted vigorously, but they were criticized, ostracised  and ultimately defeated by the combined forces of Muslims and well-meaning (or not) "useful idiots."

The movie could show how clever Muslim leaders kept putting Europe into no-win double-binds and like a noose with a one-way knot, it just kept getting worse, no matter what they did. It could show how Muslim activists exploited multiculturalism to gain political concessions, how freedoms were relinquished out of kindness and decency (and sometimes out of expediency or selfishness) but also would show the unforeseen consequences for European women.

The movie could show how the U.S. responded to Europe's progressive Islamification. Some brave American young men went to Europe to fight in the resistance, but the U.S. government was paralyzed by a president and Congress that didn't want another Vietnam, and some politicians and businesspeople were making money from the conflict, so some of them were aiding the Muslim takeover.

Things begin to change all over Europe. In Brussels and the UK women are jailed for not wearing headscarves, even before the Muslim takeover because it is deemed offensive and insensitive of women to leave their heads uncovered in public. In Spain, homosexuality is outlawed, punishable by hanging. One by one, European countries become Islamic. Money floods into the Islamic war machine from the jizya. Russia, China and the U.S. are increasingly troubled by terrorist attacks, which get ever more sophisticated and inventive.

The Sistine Chapel is turned into a mosque. The Vatican City becomes an Islamic center. The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris becomes the center of the OEIC (Organization of European Islamic Countries). Other important cultural symbols are destroyed or repurposed to serve Islam.

But the freedom fighters, who call themselves "Last Crusaders," find a way to turn the tide, and not only does the Islamic advance roll back from Europe, it rolls back from the countries that Islamic hordes had previously conquered through history, freeing Muslims to leave Islam in North Africa, the Middle East and Indonesia.

Anyway, it's an idea. It would get tremendous media coverage because it would be so intensely controversial. Real people would probably die in the riots that would inevitably ensue. But to avoid making the movie for that reason is already accepting the imposition of Sharia law by force. Far more real people are going to die if we do not stop the advance of the Islamic State.

If the movie was done well, it could have a cultural impact on the scale of Uncle Tom's Cabin or Silent Spring. What do you think? What else should the movie include?


Another Amazing Interview Series Starts Monday, Nov 3


Coming up this week: Interviews with four more amazing fighters for freedom of thought and speech, for truth — about Islam, about political correctness, about the dangers the West is facing. Monday Nov 3 through Thursday Nov 6.

To listen, register here: http://WorldTruthSummit.com

The four people interviewed:

Tom Trento, of the United West, a major online and "real world" media presence. A recent show asks: CAIR and La Cosa Nostra — Birds of a Feather?

Heidi Mund, the brave German woman who shouted out in a major church, when an imam was giving the Muslim call to prayer, which, according to Islamic doctrine, turns the church into a mosque. Her words, heard worldwide through a video that went viral: Only Jesus Christ is Lord here!

Alexandra Belaire, atheist blogger for freedom of thought and speech. Her most recent focus: The many court cases against Connie and Marc Fournier of Free Dominion, the oldest Canadian Conservative discussion forum — now shut down.

Andre Drouin, the Herouxville town councillor who shot onto the world stage with his 2007 Herouxville Code of Life, which includes items such as:

- a man cannot stone a woman to death,
- nor burn her with acid;
- faces are not to be covered except at Halloween,
- and children cannot carry weapons, including Sikh kirpans, to school

The interviews will go online, one per day, Monday to Thursday, and will be available at no charge for two days.

And who is putting all this together? Elsa Schieder, as usual. She calls herself a truth sleuth. She cares about Western freedoms and values, and is very aware of the dangers posed by Islam and political correctness.

Register here (in the right sidebar) and you will be sent invitations to listen as the interviews become available.


Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on CitizenWarrior.com is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism.

It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia (and ultimately everywhere in the world).

Click here to read the article.


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