American High School Students Learn About Sharia Law


The following was written by Roy White, Chapter Coordinator for ACT! for America in San Antonio, Bexar, and Kendall. We've heard from him before about another project (read about it here). The reason we're publishing this is because we'd like to see this kind of project duplicated in other areas. Here is Roy White's message:

The ACT! for America San Antonio Chapter is sponsoring the 2014 Major Carl Dykman Freedom Essay Contest. High school juniors and seniors who live in the Texas Hill Country are eligible to submit their essay for consideration to win a $1000 cash award on the topic:

Under the US Constitution women and men are treated equally. Using Sharia law, are women and men treated equally? Based upon your conclusion, should America adopt the practice of the British and EU in allowing Sharia law within the US Court system?

With all of the sharia courts appearing in Europe and the UK along with the number of US judges here in the US that have decided cases based upon Sharia law, it is a topic worthy of discussion and bringing to the attention of students to debate and discuss.

Major Carl Dykman
We are honoring one of our founding members, Major Carl Dykman who passed away last year but who has been preaching and teaching about the dangers of Islam for many years. He was a WWII veteran who along with millions of others have fought to defend the freedoms we all love but that Islamic ideology finds to be “anti-Islamic.”

We want students to research for themselves the facts behind Islam and what the Quran says about the treatment of women and have laid that out in the rules that can be found here. An introductory letter can be found here. In honor of our veterans who have fought and died for these freedoms we will be honoring the winner on Veterans Day, Tuesday, Nov 11, at our monthly meeting.

I hope you will take this idea and reach out to public and private schools as well as homeschoolers to engage in the debate and conduct their own research. As Citizen Warrior says, people should read the Quran. I play this clip from Patton as a reminder to what we all should do when it comes to Muhammad: Magnificent Bastard.

Also, Brigitte Gabrielle will be speaking in San Antonio at the Village Parkway Baptist Church, 3002 Village Parkway on Monday, October 6th at 7 PM. People who are interested in attending can go to this link to register to attend. There is no cost to attend.

Lt Col Roy White (ret), Chapter Coordinator
ACT! for America San Antonio, Bexar, Kendall
Twitter: @ACTBexar


Interviews This Week With Bill Warner, Chris Logan and Others


Elsa Schieder's interview series is in full swing. Here's the lineup this week:

Monday - Bill Warner, of PoliticanIslam. The moment he saw the second plane hitting the second tower, he knew: this is jihad. And he knew he would spend the rest of his life doing all he could to warn people, educate people, get people to take action.

Tuesday - Chris Logan, of Logan's Warning and North American Infidels. An online voice — especially a Facebook voice — against the Islamization of the West.

Wednesday - Andrew Harrod. He can't stop writing articles on Islam. You find them in almost every counter-jihad publication. And a new article is always forming within him. Plus, he's part of The Lawfare Project, "safeguarding against the abuse of the law as a weapon of war."

Thursday - Elaine Black, "inadvertent Zionist." It's been quite a journey from child actress, to the other side of things — production — to even dabbling in real estate. Some years ago, she found herself drawn to, not only finding out truths the media widely ignored, but spreading these truths, especially to people in power positions.

Listen to these interviews free. Each will be available for 48 hours. Find out how to register here.


Kurdish Women Soldiers Hunting Down ISIS Kidnappers

"A crack unit of female soldiers is on the trail of Islamic State killers who have captured 3,000 innocent women in Iraq," says The Mirror.

"Thousands of non-Muslim women and girls have been kidnapped by Islamic State thugs (orthodox Muslims) on the rampage in the country over the past two weeks.

"They face the terrifying prospect of being forced into marriage, sold as sex slaves or shot if they do not convert to Islam.

"Now hundreds of women from the Turkish PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ party) have crossed into Iraq to help push the IS fighters out of the north of Iraq."

Says the Wall Street Journal: "Recruitment is boosted by the deployment of women soldiers on the front line, often in all-female units.

"The jihadists don't like fighting women, because if they're killed by a female, they think they won't go to heaven," said one female fighter.

"They are striking fear into the hearts of the Jihadist thugs who believe if they are killed by a woman in battle they will not reach heaven," writes the WSJ. said this:

Avesta, a female sniper, sits smoking a cigarette in Ras al-Ayn, Syria. A cross hangs from black string around her neck. Other women, clutching Kalashnikov assault rifles, smoke Gauloises cigarettes and sip coffee, sitting beside a car camouflaged by a thick layer of dried mud. “If I see a commander, I will shoot him,” says the 27-year-old sniper, Avesta, her long brown hair coming down to her shoulders. “Otherwise, I pick whoever is closest to me.”

Avesta and her companions are fighters with the People’s Protection Units (YPG), a Kurdish militia defending Syria’s northeastern Hasakah province.

For much of the past year, the YPG’s fighters have battled al-Qaeda-linked militants—notably the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra (JN)—and Free Syrian Army militants...

“The worst thing would be getting captured by ISIS,” says Avesta. “I can’t imagine what they would do to me.”


Islamic Unpleasantville


The movie, Pleasantville is the story of the rise and fall of an Islamic state. I know that sounds crazy, but bear with me for a moment. It is an orthodox Muslim's religious duty to create an Islamic state wherever they live — with a government following the laws of Allah rather than man-made laws. And it is their duty to push or manipulate or fight or kill or die for this purpose if that's what it takes. I assume you know this already. If you don't, please read this.

So let's look at Pleasantville as a metaphor for an Islamic state, and notice the parallels. First, someone had a vision of a perfect world. In the movie, it was the creator of the Pleasantville TV show, and in Islam, it was Muhammad (or Allah speaking through Muhammad). They each imagined an ideal world.

Now, if everybody does what they're supposed to do, this vision can become a reality and people can enjoy a peaceful, orderly society. The key is getting everyone to do what they're supposed to do. The problem is, people love freedom. And of course freedom brings with it unwanted side effects, as you see in the movie (and as you can see by looking around you).

But the lack of freedom also has side effects.

Which is better, living in a Pleasantville world but having to do what you're supposed to do all the time — or living a life where you choose your own destiny but also have to live in a society with others who are choosing their destiny too? I don't know who can answer that question for all of us, but I know which one I prefer. Give me liberty or give me death.

The movie is about the danger and the splendor of freedom.

When the movie begins, the teenager, David, is in a modern American high school, living in a free society complete with its dangers and unpleasant side effects. David is a fan of an old television show from the fifties. Everything was perfect in the show. It was an ideal world where people dressed nicely, treated each other courteously, where parents had loving, conflict-free marriages, and kids were wholesome and innocent. David yearns for a life like that instead of the messy, chaotic world he lives in. And he gets his wish. He is magically transported into the Pleasantville television show. It's in black and white. Every day is a perfectly sunny 72 degrees. It never rains. Everything is very pleasant.

But he discovers that there is a cost to living in paradise — a drastic lack of freedom. In the movie, when the teenagers started having sex and the world was beginning to go Technicolor, the leaders of the town were alarmed. Things were getting out of control. And you can see they had good intentions when they tried to make it go back to the way it was.

That's what the Taliban did in Afghanistan back in the 90's (you can see an accurate depiction of their perfect world in the movie, Osama). And that's what they tried to do with the 1979 Iranian Revolution. And what Saudi Arabia is doing. And ISIS. And Boko Haram. They're trying to force the world to match Muhammad's vision. They're trying to make everyone follow the rules laid down in the Islamic trilogy. They're trying to create the ideal world. They are struggling against human beings' natural desire for freedom. They have to use force to get people to do what they're supposed to do all the time. Islamic law uses extreme force and it still can't get everybody to conform.

And who hasn't had the same conflict in her own life? Haven't you? Haven't you gone through cycles of cracking down on yourself and then loosening up? Haven't you ever gotten a regime all worked out so you can get in shape or whatever and then after awhile you start feeling closed in by it and you want to break out of the restricting, regimented monotony?

When I was younger, I spent many fruitless hours trying to come up with the perfect system. A perfect week would have a certain amount of exercise, a certain amount of communication with loved ones, writing time, goofing off time, etc. A perfect life plan is not very difficult to come up with. But actually doing it turns into a nightmare of routine. Most people would never do something like that voluntarily for very long. I loved creating the perfect system, but I hated living in it. And it was my system. What if someone else created the system?

Our longing for freedom and change and adventure always makes us want to break out. The Koran says the solution is to enforce the system from the outside. People can't do it on their own, or at least that is the assumption. But if you could make everyone in a society follow the perfect system, and enforce it with punishment, you could have a perfect society. This is kind of the same principle behind personal trainers, right? You get your motivation and discipline from the outside. The trainer makes you work out. Except Islam is more extreme and more comprehensive. It regulates every aspect of life and enforces the rules with serious consequences.

In the movie Pleasantville, the men join together and try to restore order, under the banner of the Pleasantville Chamber of Commerce. They try to enforce pleasant behavior. They create a code of conduct for everyone to live by and they punish those who rebel.

And what you see in the movie is what happens in real life. People feel a conflict. Yes, they want a pleasant society, but not at the cost of their personal freedoms.

Many wonderful and terrible things didn't exist in the perfect world of Pleasantville: Art, sex, women's rights, creativity, exciting music, novelty, love, passion, anger, awakening, self-discovery, self-expression, disagreement, conflict, change, violence, book-burning, discovery, exploration, experimentation, new experience, rebellion, defiance, personal growth, and the list goes on and on. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

What does it take to keep the ugly and bad stuff away? You have to get rid of a lot of the good stuff. That's what it takes. And you have to make it a crime to step out of line. You need punishments. So the perfect world has its own ugly side. Do you know about the punishments in Islamic law? If you steal something, they cut off your hand. If you have premarital sex or drink alcohol, you get flogged. For adultery, both the man and the woman are stoned to death.

The punishments are intentionally extreme so they are a strong deterrent. They don't cut very many hands off because that law really discourages theft, and after getting caught twice, a criminal doesn't have any hands left to steal with. I heard an international traveler say he accidentally left his briefcase in an airport in Dubai. He came back two weeks later and the briefcase was in the same spot. It hadn't be touched.

I'm not advocating this by any means. You already know how I feel. I believe in freedom. But that doesn't mean people who try to create the perfect society are necessarily evil.

I think the movie could help freedom-lovers sympathize with the perfect-world-lovers because after all, we in the audience are also attracted to the perfect world of Pleasantville at first. We sympathize with David, who wants to get away from his sometimes ugly, sometimes painful life. He longs for "a simpler time."

And the movie could also help the perfect-world-lovers see the beauty and magnificence of freedom — and the joy of not knowing what's going to happen next. And the satisfaction of choosing your own destiny.

In the book, Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals, Robert Pirsig wrote about the difference between static quality (the perfect world, everything stays the same) and dynamic quality (a free society, new things happen), and how these two forces are always and necessarily in conflict, and in a way the tension between the two is a good thing in the long run, or at least could be a good thing. But if a group becomes hell-bent on creating the perfect world and allows almost no freedom (an Islamic state) it becomes a nightmare. This is something we must prevent from happening. The rise of orthodox Islam must be pushed back. Wherever it increases its influence, human beings will live in misery.

And the same goes for any other perfect, ordered, ideal world anyone tries to impose on others. Right now the most dangerous one to human freedom is orthodox Islam. It deliberately and drastically curbs freedom, especially for women. Orthodox Islam cannot be allowed to expand, even if we sympathize with their desire to live in a thoroughly ordered world.

In one of the scenes in the movie, David and his girlfriend are sitting on a lawn by a lake. She has just found out that David has seen the world outside of Pleasantville. Until recently, she didn't even know an outside world existed. She asks him, "So what's it like out there?"

He says, "'s louder. And scarier, I guess. And it's a lot more dangerous."

"It sounds fantastic!" she says enthusiastically. Sure. For someone whose life has been ordered and perfect, a little dynamic quality, a little unpredictability, a little creativity, would be like cool water to someone dying of thirst. It's the glory of human nature living in a free society, and a downside comes with it.

With freedom, you have to learn to live with the fact that things aren't the same any more and never will be. That's tragic. And it's also wonderful.

Orthodox Islam is in direct conflict with freedom. Always remember this: Wherever orthodox Islam is marginalized, discredited, and disempowered, people (and especially women) will break out of the prison of their black and white world and discover a new Technicolor world of freedom.


What Does It Mean When a Woman Wears a Muslim Headscarf?


The following was written by the liberal Canadian philosophy professor, Elsa Schieder, PhD, reprinted with her permission:

I've been experiencing a big personal change, to do with seeing a woman wearing the Muslim headscarf. I used to have no response. Now every time I see this, I ask myself: "Just what does she believe?"

Like most Western people, I've learned to be very accepting — and even appreciative — of different styles of dress, food, music. So I used to have no response to the Muslim headdress, the hijab. It was just — you do your thing, I do mine. My response was to the color, the style — in other words, I responded as if this were a fashion item.

That has been changing. In fact, this change has lagged far behind my learning about Islam. Perhaps shockingly, it's taken me years to respond more fully to the Muslim headscarf.

There's more than one reason for this. First, I used to see few headscarves in my home city. Then, there used to be less Muslim persecution of Christians worldwide. There was also no group declaring an Islamic caliphate, rampaging from one Middle Eastern area to the next.

Most of all, my sense is that it's taken a long time for it to sink in that I'm seeing women walking around advertising that they're part of a religion that seeks world domination, that seeks the destruction of my culture and way of life, that views all non-Muslims as filthy Kafirs — to be deceived, beheaded, crucified, plotted against, terrorized, humiliated, according to the Quran, which they believe is true — or what are they doing, wearing the Muslim headscarf?

Do most non-Muslims in the West respond with hostility, aversion, fear to women advertising their adherence to such an ideology? A Canadian journalist put on the Muslim headdress for a few days in order to record the prejudice Muslim women experience — and found that she was treated more positively than without it! (She saw this as a sign of racism — that people were not entirely neutral to the headdress, and instead cared to show they were tolerant and accepting! Oh well, what can you expect from the politically correct.)

I'm asking: Does it make any sense to be extra nice to someone belonging to a religion that has, as a goal, the destruction of my society? That views people like me as inferiors who are to be made to pay a special tax? That believes no one is to talk of any non-Muslim religion to Muslims? That approves of the murder and rape of non-Muslims, the enslavement of non-Muslims, the murder of gays, the inferiority of women?

No one has asked me to respond to people wearing the Nazi swastika as if this were meaningless, to people chanting Sieg Heil as if this were a quaint cultural artifact.

So what the blinkety-blank is going on here? It's vital to respond to what is happening. If we don't respond to, say, a lion prowling our way, we're much more likely to end up as lion supper.

That has made me sit down and create a handout. You'll find it at the bottom of the page. You're very welcome to download, print and distribute. You can also send it.

It starts:

A woman is wearing
a Muslim headscarf.
What does it mean?

For me, connecting the headscarf to what it stands for has changed everything. In fact, it melted something frozen inside me. It's only natural to connect something to what it stands for. A flag. It stands for something. If we respond positively or negatively, this is because of what we see the flag stands for.

Likewise with the Muslim headdress, the hijab.

The next thing. It's vital to get the word out.

The natural response of non-Muslims to the Muslim headscarf is recoil. It stands for something more dangerous than AIDS, than Ebola.

Most of us have had our senses numbed.

All the best to a world awakening to the reality of Islam and to taking appropriate action.

Again, if this suits you, you're welcome to download the handout below. It's a one-page two-sided handout.

All the best,


See, download, or print the PDF handout here: A woman is wearing a headscarf. What does it mean?

Contact Elsa by clicking here.


Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism.

It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia (and ultimately everywhere in the world).

Click here to read the article.


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