A New Series of Counterjihad Interviews With Elsa Schieder


Back in 2012 and 2013, Elsa Schieder released a series of interviews with some of the most important figures of the counterjihad movement, including Bill Warner, Robert Spencer, Nicolai Sennels, Andy Miller, and Mark Durie. The interviews were personal, revealing and inspiring.

Elsa is releasing a new series of interviews this month. To get access to these interviews, register here (it's free): Personal Journeys Toward Difficult Truths. You'll see a small registration form in the right sidebar.

The first set of interviews in the new series will become available July 28th. Elsa will post four interviews, one per day, from Monday to Thursday, at 8 pm EST. Each interview will be available for free for 48 hours. She will send a link to each interview to everyone who registers.

There will be another set of interviews in August, and the series could keep going. "The core focus of the interviews," says Elsa, "is activism." Here's what she says about the idea behind these interviews:

We start with ethics, with caring, with a sense of right and wrong.

But what do we do? A few people instantly become activists the moment they feel something is wrong. Far more of us are confused, uncertain, hesitant. We don't know what to do, what might work. We aren't sure what is real. Or we try things, but see that we're not getting our message through to people. Or we wish we knew how to do more.

Each month, I'll interview one "big name" person — someone widely known.

The other people are what I term "local heroes" — people who have found ways of reaching others in a smaller way.

This month the big name is Robert Spencer of JihadWatch, which has a worldwide reach. On top of that, he's published 13 books, including two New York Times bestsellers. His most recent book is Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In.

Then there's Rabbi Jonathan Hausman, of the Hausman Memorial Speakers Series. He's put his job on the line, by hosting, at the synagogue where he's the rabbi, a speaker series that includes Robert Spencer, Allen West … and even Geert Wilders of Fitna fame.

There's also Narain Kataria, who as a teenager experienced the partition of India. Over 1,000,000 Hindu and Sikh deaths. Now he aims to educate about the menace of terrorism all over the world — through the Indian American Intellectuals Forum, the Human Rights Coalition against Radical Islam, and more. Most of his activism has taken place after retirement — quite a common occurrence.

And who will be fourth?

It could be Chris Logan, of North American Infidels. He's a 12-year veteran of this war most people in the West refuse to recognize is happening. It could be Alexandra Belaire (Canada) or Daniel Scot (Australia) or Meir Weinstein (Canada) or Andrew Harrod (United States). It might even be Tamar Yonah, program director and talk show host at Israel National Radio. She's living "in the eye of the storm," Israel. Or it may well be Meir Weinstein (Canada), who has been organizing people to confront, for example, in pro-Hamas anti-Israel rallies.

In August, the "big name" person will be the remarkable Bill Warner, who has a PhD in Physics, but has dedicated himself to counter-jihad since 9/11.

Register here to get the link to the interviews.


Walter Sieruk 10:23 AM  

The message is so important that it's worth repeating. Which is one large step towards counter jihad is that we ,as Americans should not live in fear because of the threats if those who engage in the jihad for Islam. That is we should not be afraid to go different places or do different things because out of fear of the dangers of the violence by the jihadists. For to live in fear would make the jihadist enemy happy. So it's important the we all continue to live our own lives and not worry because of the threat of the jihad of Islam. Nevertheless, even though it's very important that we don't live in fear we still should keep aware of our surroundings and be on the outlook for anything the seems not to look quite right. As in "What's wrong with this picture?" For example the Tee-shirt vendor at NY,NY who saw some smoke come out of that parked van and then let a police officer know about it. As it has been said "If you see something, say something."
To put this in another way, the wisdom of the words of Thomas Jefferson may apply even more now then in his own time. For Mr. Jefferson stated "Let the eye of vigilance never be closed."

Walter Sieruk 11:50 AM  

In order to counter the jihad if Islam it's important to define what Islam is. One of the ways that Islam may be described is that it is a religious/political tyrannical system that has much power over the lives and mind of millions of people around the world. Which that stated the wisdom of the words of Thomas Jefferson are very fitting. For Mr. Jefferson said "I have sworn upon the alter of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on CitizenWarrior.com is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism.

It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia (and ultimately everywhere in the world).

Click here to read the article.


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