Separating Kafirs from Muslims


The following was written by Bill Warner, Director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam:

When the al Shabaab jihadi group from Somalia attacked the mall in Kenya, they gathered the crowd together and asked who were Muslims and let them go. According to the media, they then started killing the non-Muslims who were left. But non-Muslims is not the word what the terrorists would have used. No, they would have called them Kafirs (actually they would have called them the Arabic plural of kafir, kuffar. Kafirs is the standard English plural form).

Why did members of al Shabaab do this? Why did they ask the Muslims to leave and keep the Kafirs and start killing them? Let’s start with the word terrorists. Members of al Shabaab are not terrorists, they are jihadists or mujahedeen. That is what they call themselves.

So what difference does it make which words we use? Non-Muslim or Kafir? Terrorists, militants, jihadists or mujahedeen? It makes all the difference in the world. You cannot think precisely with imprecise words and a Kafir is much more than a non-Muslim.

The word “non-Muslim” does not imply anything, except not being a believer in Islam.

Kafir, on the other hand, has enormous implications. Kafir is the actual word that the Koran uses for a non-Muslim. Indeed, one of the many remarkable things about the Koran is that over half of its text is devoted to the Kafir. Think about that: most of the Koran is not about how to be a Muslim, but about the Kafir. Every single verse about the Kafir is not just bad, but terrible. Allah hates Kafirs and plots and schemes against them. The cruelest punishments await the Kafir in hell, but who cares about that? The real problem is what is promised to the Kafir in this life — torture, hatred, death, ridicule, rape, enslavement, political domination and deception.

It is the same with mujahedeen or jihadist as opposed to militant or terrorist. The words militant or terrorist do not tell anything about the motivation of the militant or terrorist, only that they are using violence.

Notice that the words non-Muslim and terrorist are not related to each other; they stand alone. There is no implication of one by the other. But that is not true about Kafir and jihad. Jihad is only carried out against Kafirs. Jihad implies Kafir and vice versa.

Jihad and Kafir are all part of a system of Islamic politics. Mohammed preached the religion of Islam for 13 years and garnered 150 followers. When he turned to politics and jihad, he died ruler of all of Arabia, and every Arab was a Muslim. The religion of Islam was a failure, and Islam triumphed by the use of politics and jihad, war against the Kafir.

Islamic doctrine is found in the Koran, Sunna (Mohammed) and Sharia law and divides all of humanity into Muslim and Kafir. There is no middle ground. Unfortunately, both Christian and Jewish leaders have bought into the fiction that they are all People of the Book and are brothers in religion. When you read the fine print (as none of them have done, being professionally ignorant), they are brothers in Abraham who must be politically and religiously subjugated, but that is a small detail.

If jihad, mujahedeen, and Kafir are pure Islamic doctrine, we can now understand why the media refuses to the correct words that Muslims use — it is all too horrible to contemplate. We are not just having independent terrorist events, such as the West Gate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya or the Boston Marathon bombing; we are in the middle of a civilizational war with a historic enemy — an enemy who is winning because we are in total denial.

Published as an article on American Thinker.
Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
copyright (c) CBSX, LLC,
Use as needed, just give credit and do not edit.


Emotions Versus Facts in the Counterjihad

The same man who shared the business card idea (see the post here) also wrote an article I'd like to share with you because he's doing what we're all trying to do (educate our fellow citizens about Islamic doctrine) and running into the same barriers we are. I like his insight about the process. Here it is:

Something struck me the other day when listening to a local radio show on finance; the topic was pricing one’s home for selling and weighing “emotion” versus “fact.” The radio host’s friend had a home for sale that had lingered on the market for some time. The expert knew the price was too high but didn't want to directly make that point to his friend. He asked him if had looked at Zillow or other websites comparing comparable homes in the neighborhood. The friend acknowledged the sites showed his home and other similar homes well below his asking price based upon all the “facts” that goes into these estimates.

The real estate expert, thinking he had demonstrated to his friend that facts were clearly aligned to justify a new lower price, was given this emotional reply: “I know it is worth more; those sites are simply wrong!”

Having had this discussion in my household, I remembered the “emotion” involved with selling one's home for less than what one “feels” it is worth. To move from the “I’d rather stay than sell at that price,” I had to recognize the emotion in the decision and move slowly into reality…the emotional investment disagreed with my concept of “reality”…other forces than “I feel” make up reality around us. However, in our society today, “feelings” are equal to “reality.” The real estate expert knew his friend was wrong because facts supported the reality of a lower price. He didn't lower the price and his home didn't sell.

When I talk to people about Islam, one gets to the emotional gatekeeper in each of us at various points. Some immediately bristle at the thought that something they honestly know very little about (which they don't admit to until you question them) but have an emotional stake in the concept: "all religions are equal" throw out the generic arguments, "there are Christians who do horrible things too," "all Muslims aren't terrorists,” “I know a Muslim and he isn't a terrorist,” or other ad hominem replies.

As Guy Rodgers, Executive Director ACT! for America likes to say, “the facts are on our side.” There are plenty of “Zillow” websites that highlight the facts that the orthodox Islamic ideology followed by many Muslims is proving to be the greatest threat to our national security. Move slowly with the “facts” because emotions are what we base many of our decisions on in life. These facts won’t automatically satisfy our friends, any more than the “facts” couldn't convince the homeowner to lower the price, even if it meant admitting his emotions were preventing him from accomplishing his goal (selling his home).

For me, I took an oath when I was in the military, “to protect and defend the Constitution.” For 20 years I wore the uniform and communism was easy to understand…it hadn't wrapped itself around a religion like Islamism. Once I began studying Islamic history (thanks Citizen Warrior and other sites/authors), emotions were replaced with facts and data that show the clear objectives of Islamic ideology; a single unified caliphate with no specific timetable but with many coordinated/uncoordinated actions, all leading to the same goal, a world under Islamic Shariah rule.

Even writing that last statement, an “emotional alarm” goes off inside my own head that says, “this can’t happen”…but I return to what I know from “Zillow” and the facts and reply calmly, “It is unlikely to happen in my lifetime (I’m 59) but it most certainly could happen in my children and grandchildren’s lifetime based upon the history of Islam.” So what do I do about it? Throw my hands up and merely complain? Or take action? Rant to my friends and allow my own "emotions" to turn off would-be converts?

I owe it to them and to the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives and bodies for the freedoms we all share. I can’t allow my emotions to keep me from doing what the facts clearly show is a threat to our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Most importantly, I can't allow my emotions to come out in conversations in a way that turns my listeners off. Get engaged, join ACT! for America, Oak Initiative, Tennessee Freedom Coalition or other like minded groups in your area or start one up if there isn't one to channel that emotion into useful action.


The New Muslim Brotherhood Logo and What it Symbolizes


Steve Amundson, the Santa Monica counterjihadist we wrote about earlier (see the article here), wrote to us again. He said, "We will be educating the public on the new MB logo and what it means tonight."

I asked him how it went, told him I liked the flier and asked if it would be okay if I shared it with our readers. He wrote:

It went very well. Very few people are aware of this new logo now being used all over. The Muslims coming up to our booth are much more combative and come in groups of 4-5 instead of 1 or 2.

Overall foot traffic was down from what it has been. Summertime is over, kids back to school and vacations are finished (this perhaps answers why we see fewer people).

Yes, feel free to post the brochure. Information is only as good as to the number of people who have access to it.

Click here to see, print, or download the flier.

What a great way to educate the public! If you have been doing something similar, please let us know about it. Here's what the flier looks like (click on image to see it larger):


Business Card Counterjihad


People often write to us with good ideas. Here's one we received recently. We'll just quote from the email:

Thanks so much for your website and the content. I've steered as many people as I could to your site. I come across a lot of people while commuting to and from work as well as while I'm working. I've been practicing broaching the topic using the various ways you and others recommend but I felt I needed something to leave with them in case they wanted more information, and business cards seemed to be the best way to get the point across.

Feel free to post these wherever you wish. I don't have a web site or blog, but I've got a Facebook page:

Check out the business cards below. There are several places online where you can order business cards inexpensively. Vista Print is one of them. Why not always keep a card in your pocket and after a conversation, if it seems appropriate, give one to the person?


September 11, 2013 — Has Anything Changed?


Has anything changed since 2001? In many ways it would be justifiable to answer no. Politicians and the media are still pitifully reluctant to speak honestly about anything Islam-related. Stealth jihad is still progressing, and bloody jihad is going on as before.

However, many important things have changed. Many more people have awakened to the fact that Islamic doctrine is dangerous to non-Muslims, and our growing numbers have allowed some good legislation to pass. ACT! for America's membership is multiplying and its clout is growing along with it. Several states in the U.S. have passed American Laws for American Courts legislation, and more are in the process. But the one change that really stands out is the amount of good educational material available about Islam.

When the Towers came down, many of us tried to find answers. We wondered why it happened. Who did this and what motivated them? And those answers were hard to find. That has changed completely. When someone looks for information about Islam now, they can get real answers easily. If you Google the question, "Is Islam dangerous?" or "Does Islam promote violence?" or "Why do Muslims want to kill us?" you will find good answers on the first page of search results. The Koran, the Sira and the Hadith are available in readable form now. That wasn't the case in 2001. And of course, web sites like and and blogs and Facebook pages and so on are all over the place now.

People are continually waking up to the disturbing truth about Islamic doctrine. I hear from people all the time who have only recently started looking into Islam because of the Lee Rigby beheading or because of the Boston Marathon bombing. Maybe they were too young on 9/11 to grasp what had happened. But the point is, when people look for answers, now they can find them, so the pace of awakening our fellow non-Muslims is accelerating.

I know it may not seem like it in your personal life sometimes. You reach impasses with people. Some of your own family members might refuse to talk any more about it. But it is also true that sometimes you don't realize you reached someone. You may have struck a nerve with them and even though they argued with you at the time, later they think about it or something else happens, like the Fort Hood shooting, or the Andy Long murder, and it becomes the last straw and they finally decide to look into it, and once someone looks into it sincerely, we gain another counterjihadist.

Some of us are finding new ways to reach people. Some have been creating excellent pamphlets and leaflets — which can help us reach people (some people are willing to read one just because it's short). Lots of DVDs and YouTube videos have been created since 9/11. And books, of course. We recently published an article (here) about a group with a booth in Santa Monica on a main thoroughfare every Saturday night to engage people about Islam. One of the comments on that article is illustrative about how new approaches are stimulating creativity in others. The commenter wrote:

I stopped by on Saturday to see the table (I'm visiting Santa Monica). Very nice people! I'm so glad to see them out there. There were lots of Muslims passing by; some stopped to stare or argue, and my friend engaged one of them to try to hear "the other side," but the only counterargument she got from him was, "This is crap." If I were doing a table like this — and maybe someday I will be, in a different part of the country — I might want to try a few different ways to hook people and see what works best, like having a poster saying something like, "Could Islam rule the world?" or "Speak up for American freedoms" or "Some conspiracy theories are true" — leading to a graphic of the Muslim Brotherhood and its tentacles. Because people who aren't already in the counterjihad probably have no idea why we're "bashing" Islam and they won't connect the dots, and making them aware in the first 30 seconds that there's a specific threat — an international movement to take over the world for Islam — would be good. Just an idea to try. God bless these people for being out there.

People are awakening. And it is getting easier to help them awaken. That may seem like a small thing compared to the magnitude of what we are up against, but a little more knowledge is what motivated Flight 93 to stop the hijackers from reaching their intended target. Just a little more knowledge made the difference. You and I need to make sure the people in our lives have a little more knowledge about Islamic doctrine. Let's roll.


Is Reading the Koran a Waste of Time?


We received the following question and thought it was worth sharing:

I know you advise all readers to commit to reading the Koran and earlier I agreed with you on this issue. But lately I have realized that no matter what I think the Koran says, the Muslim man or woman is going to interpret it in his/her own way. Even if I think it is terribly violent or it is super peaceful, what difference will that make to the thinking of the Muslim multitudes? They will still commit murders in the name of their religion.

If we — the Islamo-aware people — want to convince other non-Muslims of the horror of Islamic doctrine, then isn't it better to do it by pointing out the violent acts committed by Muslims in the name of their religious doctrines rather than waste time reading a Koran ourselves? I would welcome your viewpoint on this issue.

I replied with this:

What a great question. I have no intention of changing the way Muslims think. It would be great, but I don't see it happening. That's really a job for ex-Muslims. My goal is to get non-Muslims to know what they're dealing with. Once that happens, we will be able to do whatever needs to happen to curb the spread of orthodox Islam. Most of the people I know who are not already Islamo-aware believe that the bloodshed in the name of Islam is being done by a fringe group, similar to the KKK (who consider themselves Christian), and are not a significant threat. Most people are unaware of the scope and universality of Islamic violence and bigotry. So telling them about it might help. For some people it would be enough. But I've found most non-Muslims explain it away. But when I tell them what's in the Koran because I have read it, and when I try to convince them to prove it to themselves by reading it, I gain an authority in their minds and I reach them better.

What I believe people need to understand is that violence and intolerance are embedded in Islam's fundamental doctrines. It is a sobering realization, but it changes the way people respond to actions motivated by Islamic doctrine. That solid information changes people. It gives them a resolve I don't think anything else does.

That's exactly what happened to Thomas Jefferson when he read the Koran.


Remembering 9/11 with Erick Stakelbeck


If you are anywhere near Tennessee, you are invited to an event you won't want to miss. Read more about it here. The event will take place on September 11, 2013 at the Embassy Suites in Cool Springs (the VIP event begins at 5:30pm and the General Event begins at 6:45pm).

The "Remembering 9/11" event will include the following speakers:

  • Erick Stakelbeck - Author of "The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy" and "The Terrorist Next Door: How the Government is Deceiving You About the Islamist Threat"
  • Rabbi Jon Hausman - Ahavath Torah Congregation Rabbi in Stoughton, MA
  • Cathy Hinners - former Law Enforcement Officer and Activist
  • State Senator Bill Ketron
  • State Representative Judd Matheny
  • J. Lee Douglas - 9/12 Project Tennessee

VIP tickets for this event are currently sold out (though a waiting list is being compiled). There are still tickets left for the general event that will feature the bulk of the program. You can register for the event below:

General Event - Remembering 9/11
VIP Event - Remembering 9/11


A Justifiable Concern Among Non-Muslims


The following is a letter to the editor by Edward Kesler that was published in the August 23, 2013 issue of the Tribune Star.

Demands Reforms in Muslim Teachings

Many non-Muslims feel threatened by the hateful teachings of the Koran, a Muslim holy book. For example, the Koran calls Jews the “children of apes and pigs” and calls on Muslims not to befriend Jews or Christians. It demands that Muslims “slay the idolaters”, Buddhists, Hindus, followers of any religion not comporting with their view of Allah and Mohammed. It calls on Muslims to wage Jihad (wars) against non-Muslims to collect war booty and to impose Jizya taxes on them as a part of the imposition of shariah (Muslim) law on the defeated non-Muslims. Jizya can be received in many forms, such as welfare, etc.

The U.S. Constitution guarantees American residents (including non-citizens) complete religious freedom. This is a freedom to worship, not to spread hatred of our society, culture and mores in the presumably religious settings and environments of mosques and Islamic centers.

The indoctrination of Muslims, young and old, with hate-filled, violent ideas are a justifiable concern among non-Muslims. It is disconcerting for Christians, Jews or any other non-Muslim to understand that local mosques and Islamic cultural centers are teaching these hateful values to their Muslim neighbors and their children.

The recent rapes, tortures and murders of Coptic Christians in Egypt and the continued barbaric savagery committed against Christians in Nigeria and across Africa should be instructive. More than 100 million Africans, 160 million Christians, Buddhists and Hindus have been killed by Islamic Jihad. Entire Jewish populations have been destroyed in Muslim countries.

Non-Muslims have a right to demand that Muslims in America undertake serious reforms of Islam ideology. As Americans, we must demand these issues be addressed immediately.

— Edward Kesler


Article Spotlight

One of the most unusual articles on is Pleasantville and Islamic Supremacism.

It illustrates the Islamic Supremacist vision by showing the similarity between what happened in the movie, Pleasantville, and what devout fundamentalist Muslims are trying to create in Islamic states like Syria, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia (and ultimately everywhere in the world).

Click here to read the article.


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