Forum: How to Defeat Islam - Non-Violently
IN A COMMENT on the article, Internment Camps for Muslims, Trencherbone left a link to a forum on how to defeat Islam. The opening statement of the forum is excellent. I will reprint the first part of it here, but I encourage you to go to the site and read the whole thing. Here's the first part:
If we don't defeat Islam as an ideology it will exterminate us culturally and physically Islam is an utterly ruthless totalitarian political system disguised as a religion. Islam will literally stop at nothing to achieve its objective of world domination, with all non-Muslims exterminated or enslaved. Muslims who deny this are lying (Muslims are encouraged to tell lies to further the expansion of Islam). Terrorism is an intrinsic and inseparable part of Islam.
Consequently, the ideology of Islam MUST be defeated. It must be consigned to the dustbin of history along with those other vicious totalitarianisms — Nazism and Communism. The alternative is our extermination as a civilisation, and the whole world being plunged into an endless theocratic Dark Age.
There Can Be No Violent Solution
In an age of nuclear weapons, the option of exterminating Islam the way we exterminated Nazism — by world war — is unthinkable. Apart from anything else, there is no guarantee that the West could win an all-out World War III against Islam. Our infrastructure, government and military have been too far infiltrated by jihadists. There would be thousands of Fort Hood style massacres of our troops if a war broke out between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam, not to mention massive sabotage of military and civilian infrastructure and violent intifadas in Muslim-dominated cities throughout the West.
This is not to say that the Muslims would win a World War either. The victors of WWIII would be well-organised authoritarian states with small Muslim populations who would be prepared to be ruthless in keeping their Muslims in order. China springs to mind.
A New Cold War
The only option for defeating Islam is to undermine it in the same way we undermined communism — by a slow process of ideological warfare.
Altering the Spiritual and Material Cost/Benefits of Being a MuslimLike other religions, Islam promises spiritual benefits from being a member of the cult — namely avoidance of hell and entry into paradise, which in Islam's case is a well-appointed brothel in the sky. But unlike other religions, Islam also offers material benefits in the here and now, for example immunity to normal laws, superior status to all non-Muslims (dhimmis) and sanctified rape and pillage where the victims are non-Muslims.
Adherence to any belief system usually has two components — faith and conformity. In Islam, as with communism, the forces of conformity are very strong and are imposed with murderous ruthlessness. Nevertheless, once the faith has gone, the habits of conformity will become an empty shell, which will eventually implode.
So we need to attack Islam on both fronts, by demonstrating that the spiritual benefits of the 'faith' are bogus — Islam is confidence trick set up by a ruthless megalomaniac, we also need to decrease the benefits of conformity by increasing the costs and reducing benefits of being a Muslim in the material world here and now. Read the rest>>>
In the link i loved these words most:
Yes this is truth and we know know where to attck the enemy!
Islam is an enemy and we are fortunate to be part of soldiers in this information age where we can defeat enemies which challenges our humanity
The lines read:
Islam may appear hard, but it is also brittle. A small crack anywhere is the structure can spread throughout. Islam claims that the Koran is the literal word of God, which was dictated to, but not written by, Mohammed.
Isn't EDL bigots and racists and white supremists?
Anyway, he made some great tactical points.
I'm going to bow out of this. I think I am realizing this is between two bullies the Arians and the Muslims. Either way, whoever wins will end up trying to oppress the little guys or the Jews or the Black population or whoever is left to hate.
This isn't about ending injustice, this is about not being the one on the wrong side of the injustice.
(So, of course, you all won't fall for that anonymous's takiyya on the previous post. )
I wish you luck only because, I sense if the Muslims win, it will only fuel their sense of self righteousness and will be harder to stop after such a victory. Whereas if you guys win (you =all the white supremists, EDL, Europeans, etc) there may still be some among you that have some inclination to do good.
I very much doubt all EDL are racist bigots, but yes, as with any group it has some rotten apples. Dont judge the entire group for it tho. It is very common that any criticism on islam results in being called a nazi, and you too will get it slung at you when speaking up. Doesnt mean its true, does it?
Someone just emailed me this comment:
We should clean this up a bit (use of term muzzies, etc.) and send it to our congressmen and senators — at least the ones we know are sympathetic to non-muslims, and the scholars who write about dangers of Islam, and our mailing lists.
I confused BNP with EDL!
@Anonymous - I already got (virtually) slung at by a Muslim for speaking out in a rather non-combative manner.
I received the following email from Lawrence Kamm:
Islam IS a religion, not just a political movement. Yes, it is a religion of conquest.
The most fruitless undertaking in the world is to argue anyone to abandon his religion. Yes, to convert to a different religion, it is done. What missionary religion do you think has a chance here? Catholicism, the ancient enemy?
No, we CAN defeat it militarily. We are doing it — badly — in Afghanistan. The way is low level continuous killing, NOT military occupation. The tactics are sniping and abandoning the rule against collateral damage. (e.g. blowing up the nearest ten houses near a mine (IED). The locals will stop the mining.
I received the following email and reprint it here with his permission:
NOW IF Enough people get together and demand newspapers and TV stop being politically correct, print unfavorable news stories, (ALL of them) regarding Islam and Islamist, we might get somewhere with defeating Islam.
I'm trying to do my part here in La. with printed views on a regular basis on the editoral pages. (Alexandria Daily Town Talk, Alexandria. Louisiana.)
I printed all for my future use if needed. Thanks,
John Turner
Pollock La. 71467
Islam is basically and fully political ideology. But the ideology's strategy is to use it as religion and base its strength on that.
That is why after the 26 year old guy killed brutally a lawyer recently in pakistan who spoke against blasphemy, he was protected! and when he taken to court all the people outside give the slogan, 'god is great!' 'allah is great!'
it is a political ideology so much as flesh and blood of religion fervour in their lives..
for them killing people is 'god is great', for them not to show any mercy on nonmuslims is religion. why would they abandon it?
it is extremely tough to counter islam.. with educational efforts like here (though this is protecting lot of gullible)
Our political leaders don't need educating about Islam but the masses do. Our political leaders are fully aware of the mayhem that has been inflicted by Muslims on native Europeans but they don't care, they are scared to speak out or both.
Here is the link to the archive of the full article. It's very significant reading:
DEFEAT ISLAM WITH MESSIAH TRUTH. The Judeo-Christian Scriptures show very clearly that Muhammad was victim to the deceptions of an 'angel' masquerading as the Angel Gabriel (2 Corinthians 11:14)who appeared to the virgin Mary telling her she would be mother to the Son of God by the overshadowing power of God's Holy Sirit. (Luke 1:26-38) Muhammad's angel 'Gabriel', on the other hand, denies the Divinity of the Son-of-God, Christ-child, Jewish-Saviour-Messiah born of her, declaring in the Koran that this child was "no more than an Apostle". (Koran 5:75) Muhammad's 'angel', in his denial of the Messiah's Divinity, contradicts the Angel Gabriel who appeared to the virgin Mary, and cannot possibly be the same angel Gabriel, who he was purporting to be. This angel is clearly a liar and a deceiver, and Muhammad was his victim. The ideology of Islam, subsequently generated by this angel's victim, Muhammad, claims to have supplanted the role and mission of God's Saving 'Son-of-God' Jewish-Saviour-Messiah born of the virgin. (Koran 3:19) Their denial of Him, means their denial of His own words, that "Salvation is of the Jews", (John 4:22) and that, "no-one can come to the Father, except by Me." (John 14:6) And further that, "the gates of hell will NEVER prevail against His Church", (Matthew 16:18) because, "He would be with His Church (in His Holy Spirit) all days until the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20) Clearly, there is only one true religion, and that religion can only be the one of God's own making, the religion of the Messiah. The ideology which is Islam, is what it is, a deception currently holding its adherents as victims to its enslaving, controlling power.
That might be very persuasive to a Christian.
Dear Citizen Warrior, The non-violent way to defeat Islam, has to be the seemingly impossible way of showing the Muslim the fundamental flaws which have existed in the ideology from its very beginning. My focus in my above 'comment' re: 'MESSIAH TRUTH' was to provide a clear example of one of its fatal structural flaws as succinctly as I could. I think now, that it was perhaps remiss of me not to have made mention of the website: which gives quite a detailed treatment of Islam's fundamental structural flaws. It may be of some interest. The truths it presents, strike at the very root of Islam. Destroy its foundation and destroy Islam.
I live in India and I've tried to post a lot of content online in my social networks to highlight the threat of Islam, but I often find a lot of receptivity among my Hindu friends, but a lot of opposition\apathy from my liberal American friends (I lived in the US a while back). I don't know if my social network is a good statistical indicator, but it seems to be that Americans are woefully misinformed or deluded about the nature, history and consequences of radical Islam. Unless a huge PR job is done to inform people about the dangers of spread of radical islam, the US(and it's puppets) are not going to be able to muster the political force needed to counter radical islam, militarily or idealogically.
The civilized world will begin defeating Islamic terror when they stop snake charming it with the feel good tune, your a peaceful religion. This tune while it placated the vast majority of "nice" Muslims and made us feel better never did work and in the jet-information age has become obsolete. The only thing that will work now is the absolute truth. We have to throw away the flute and take off the gloves intellectually and spiritually. Eventually, the truth will drift down those contemplating becoming an Islamic warrior for the world wide Caliphate and remove so-called Quranic moral authority justifying mayhem for conquest. One: Islam cannot be allowed the religion status any longer Two: It is an institutionalized human rights violation Three: The Quran is a terrorist manifesto Four: The Quran's author was obviously psychotic and no one to follow Five: Islam is the perfect curse on the world no one more so than Muslims who cannot leave it Six: _________ Seven:________… Eight: The Quran is a hate speech document Nine: If all the Jews, Christians and non Muslims suddenly disappeared from the earth overnight Muslims would fight each other in the name of Allah to the end of time...
The civilized world will begin defeating Islamic terror when they stop snake charming it with the feel good tune, your a peaceful religion. This tune while it placated the vast majority of "nice" Muslims and made us feel better never did work and in the jet-information age has become obsolete. The only thing that will work now is the absolute truth. We have to throw away the flute and take off the gloves intellectually and spiritually. Eventually, the truth will drift down those contemplating becoming an Islamic warrior for the world wide Caliphate and remove so-called Quranic moral authority justifying mayhem for conquest. One: Islam cannot be allowed the religion status any longer Two: It is an institutionalized human rights violation Three: The Quran is a terrorist manifesto Four: The Quran's author was obviously psychotic and no one to follow Five: Islam is the perfect curse on the world no one more so than Muslims who cannot leave it Six: The Quran is a hate speech document Nine: If all the Jews, Christians and non Muslims suddenly disappeared from the earth overnight Muslims would fight each other in the name of Allah to the end of time...
First things first.
It is not.
There's no definition for “fascisme” nor for “nazisme”.
Hitler called it "Ein bewegung", a movement?
Meaning nothing.
Islam is simular.
The quran is not is religious book.
Its a law book:
- commercial and banking law
- inheritance law
- tax law
- marriage law
- religious command
- attackwar right
- political law
- criminal law
Mohammed (Hitler's equivalent) used a ventriloquist doll: his favorite god from the pre-Islamistic Kaaba, namely the moon god Allah, to get the mass behind him.
He was successful at the machismo arabic killing culture.
So spread this message so people will be freed from the delusion of Islam being a religion
Especially encourage everyone to read the Koran.
Easying thisvoluminous book, skip the mumbo jumbo verses.
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