Pretext For Hostilities In Islamic Thinking
I was listening to the excellent audiobook, Robert Spencer's Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), and he was talking about how Muhammad's actions set precedents for what the Islamic Military does today. Muslims are told over seventy times in the Qur'an that they should use Muhammad as an example, and try to live their lives as Muhammad did. Spencer said:
"[At a particular battle Muhammad fought in,] another pattern was set...that played out across the centuries. Muslims would see any aggression as a pretext for revenge, regardless of whether they provoked it."
Jihadis around the world do the same thing today. They provoke a government or a group until they get a hostile reaction, and then they use that reaction as a pretext for aggression.
This is one of the cleverest solutions to a dilemma created by two important Islamic memes: Namely, that a Muslim should never initiate aggression (that's the first meme), but on the other hand, the best way to guarantee your passage to Paradise is to die while fighting in the name of Allah (that's the second meme).
How are you supposed to die fighting unless someone is fighting you? And how can you get someone to fight you if you can't be aggressive? One way you can do it is to provoke someone into attacking you, and then you can "defend Islam," which is your duty as a Muslim. Pretty clever, huh? These are a few of the 26 memes that make up The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex. Muslims who take this seriously are called Jihadis.
So Jihadis around the world provoke hostile reactions, and then use it as a pretext to fight. They have used this technique successfully against the West many times. They try to make at least some percentage of us non-Muslims feel guilty for some hostile action our country has taken, while ignoring or downplaying what the Jihadis did to provoke the reaction in the first place. It's a clever ruse, which is bought hook, line, and sinker by millions of well-meaning but ignorant people in the West.
This is one of the most important reasons YOU can make a difference by simply sharing what you know with others. When enough of us are aware of taqiyya (the Islamic principle of deception), the ruse stops working, which allows democracies to do the one thing we must do: Stop conceding anything to Islam.
Read more: How to Justify Continual Jihad and Keep a Clean Conscience.